Threat Level: DEFCON 3

Increased force readiness. Heightened security. Weapons systems on standby.

WANNABE WATCH - The Wannabe War bites back against our nefarious foe

It has been since last incident (attack by Wannabe)

It has beensince first incident (attack by Wannabe)

Intel suggests that the beginning of Wannabe's spree initially began October 31st 2013


Wannabe has proven to be a considerable danger to our kingdom; information that is relatively available on the local news and reputable websites like the Dark Dog Info Blog. We implore you to "Think of teh childrenz" and to aid in the war effort by purchasing stocks and making fun of the Blue Clown.
Remember that this is a parody. It's a joke and make-believe. Don't take it too serious.


Wannabe expressed heightened interest in our kingdom in late-2013. However it was not until March 11th of 2017 that the first attack was made. Wannabe made allies with Black Dragon and employed her as a weapons supplier. A first image was developed that initially enlightened Dark Dog to his presence. Intel gathering was conducted to confirm the danger of Wannabe, heightening DEFCON to 2. Its historical highest. DEFCON remained at 2 for several weeks before dropping down to a 4. A month later, Wannabe employed Black Dragon a second time to produce weapons for his use and mounted a second attack on the 8th of April. DEFCON was raised to 2 and a counter attack was made against Wannabe's reddit account. No action was taken by our allies due to a lack of funding. The kingdom would have to handle this threat on its own. No further attacks on the kingdom were made, however Wannabe continued sprees of violence against other small kingdoms in the area. Wannabe was closely monitored and a spy was sent into the network of Black Dragon to gather intel. Black Dragon is revealed to be an incredibly dangerous organization providing weapons to numerous unethical third-parties. In late 2017 several counterattacks were made against Black Dragon which were moderately successful. In 2018 no further attacks have occurred and we are at heightened monitoring of the enemy. A trade embargo was passed in late 2017. Wannabe and Black Dragon will not be revealed to all the world provided they make no further attacks on the kingdom. This has remained unbroken since the second incident. This marks the second year of the Wannabe War.

The Cast:


Our kingdom: the place that we call home. The thing we protect. It gives us comfort, it gives us shelter. We must defend it from Wannabe.

The News: More detailed accounts of the events. Not included here to save space.

The Treaty: if Wannabe acknowledges the kingdom exists it's considered a break of the trade embargo. He's not even allowed to acknowledge it exists. If so we go global and remove the [REDACTED] This will likely be the next DEFCON 2. Black Dragon's embargo is a little different. She can mention the kingdom and we will not go global, but our defenses and offenses will be heightened. It's rumored that going global with Black Dragon would occur if an IMAGE 3 is produced.

The Dark Dog Info Blog: the best source for The News. Easy enough to find.

The Crime

Image 1 depicts Andy being harmed. Single image, contains two versions of varying severity. Produced March 11th 2017.
Surface web presence: Sufficiently nonexistent
furaffinity: neutralized
tumblr: neutralized
Known mirrors:
obscure forum
obscure image booru
patreon leak archive
residual broken links
discord link (debated current attack)
patreon banner
twitter banner
furaffinity archive
Image 2 is a several panel comic featuring Andy being harmed but managing to escape. Only one version exists but could be split into its separate parts. Produced April 8th 2017.
Surface web presence: Passably nonexistent
tumblr: neutralized
pixiv: active (debated current attack)
Known mirrors:
obscure forum
patreon leak archive
residual broken links

Extended battle history

March 27th: Black Dragon comes out in support of people who support real evil, uses the N word. Wannabe has frequently in the past done incredibly evil things that are not documented here. Check the news for more information.

Sometime early January 2018: Black Dragon incorporates IMAGE 1 into Patreon and twitter banners, this attack prompts a counter attack against an archive of Black Dragon. It was not successful. Attempts have been made a second time. Pray to the Google gods. DEFCON has remained at 3.

January 3rd 2018: A counter attack is done against Black Dragon sometime in late December around the same time as the Furaffinity attack that takes effect now. The attack launched against IMAGE 1 and IMAGE 2 results in the glorious patreon gods making Black Dragon wipe all objectionable content and enforces the inability to post it in the future.

December 16th, 2017: Black Dragon acknowledges the furaffinity attack, breaking Embargo and prompting temporary rise to a DEFCON 2

December 14th, 2017: Furaffinity counter attack is conducted against IMAGE 1. It succeeds on December 15th.

December 11th, 2017: Black Dragon is dealt a substantial blow by the gods of tumblr. Originally a misfire at IMAGE 1 and IMAGE 2, the glorious tumblr gods decided to wipe a good chunk of Black Dragon's online empire.

May 2017: False alarm attack by different opposing enemy force. An unnamed foe poses an attack against the kingdom. However it is substantially unremarkable and is not noticed until December 2017. It is not believed to be related to the Wannabe War but served as the inspiration to enact the Tumblr counter attack. Mild surveillance was placed on the new threat. No substantial changes have occurred, and no repeat attacks. The enemy has been hit with fire from another enemy unrelated to Dark Dog.

April 8th 2017: The second image attack is deployed (IMAGE 2), launching Dark Dog forces into a momentously long DEFCON 2 that lasts until August 2017. Dark Dog officially starts the Wannabe War, out for blood to topple the horrific tyrant and his dragon ally. DEFCON returns to 3 in August. Surveillance against Wannabe and Black Dragon significantly heighten.

March 20th 2017: Dark Dog out of curiosity begins to gather intel on Wannabe. Immediately receiving substantial evidence against him and his evil plans. The DEFCON 3 is enacted and noticeable monitoring is placed on Wannabe.

March 11th 2017: The enemy first strikes. IMAGE 1 is deployed when Dark Dog is inadequately prepared and at his most vulnerable. Sparks fly. Bewildered and disoriented Dark Dog immediately sends plants and surveillance into Black Dragon's ranks to gather intel. Wannabe is not yet perceived a threat. DEFCON rises to 2 for a week, dropping to 4 afterwards.

January 11th 2015: Wannabe acknowledges the kingdom a third time. Stating that it is brutal and hurts his brain. He can only stomach it in short bursts (we'd prefer none at all)

August 12th 2014: Wannabe acknowledges the kingdom again. Stating it to be intense.

October 31st 2013: First known instance of Wannabe acknowledging existence of the kingdom. He claims to love it but be disturbed by it.

Disclaimer: WannabeWatch is a dedicated role play simulation based on the characters created by the Dark Dog.